Bell invests $2 million in high speed Internet and mobile phone access in the
Fjord-du-Saguenay and Haute-Côte-Nord RCMs

L'ANSE SAINT-JEAN, QC, April 23 2010 --
Bell today announce the deployment of its HSPA (High Speed Packet Access) wireless broadband digital
network in the regional county municipalities (RCMs) of Fjord-du-Saguenay and Haute-Côte-Nord. This
$2.1 million investment will allow customers in these areas to access high speed Internet and mobile phone

"Bell Mobility's HSPA network in the RCMs of Fjord-du-Saguenay and Haute-Côte-Nord will offer clients to
enjoy access to high speed Internet and cutting-edge wireless voice and data transmission services -
including access to the fastest wireless broadband speeds in the world," said Mary Anne Bell, Senior
Vice-President - Ontario and Québec for Bell Aliant, at today's announcement. "We are pleased to
collaborate with governments that share Bell's vision of a prosperous Québec that's connected to the world
with the latest technology."

Service will be available to customers located in the following municipalities: Bégin, Saint-Honoré, Ferland-
et-Boileau, Sainte-Rose-du-Nord, Baie-Éternité, Rivière-Éternité, L'Anse-Saint-Jean, Mont-Édouard, Petit-
Saguenay, Sacré-Coeur, Les Bergeronnes, Les Escoumins and Longue-Rive.

The project was launched by the AIDE-TIC (Agence Interrégionale de Développement des Technologies de
l'Information et des Communications), an organization created by the Société d'aide au développement des
collectivités du Fjord, and executed in cooperation with Bell Mobility.

"Canada is quickly becoming a world leader in wireless technology.
Thanks to the support of local governments for Bell's superior
network technology, this area will now share in that leadership," said Ms. Bell.

Sites are expected to be operational by the end of 2010 and the entire project should be completed by the
end of 2012.

About Bell

Headquartered in Montréal since its founding in 1880, Bell is Canada's largest communications company,
providing consumers and business with solutions to all their communications needs, including Bell Mobility
wireless, high speed Bell Internet, Bell TV direct-to-home satellite television, Bell Home Phone local and
long distance phone services, and IP-broadband and information and communications technology (ICT)
services. Bell is proud to be a Premier National Partner and the Exclusive Telecommunications Partner to
the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

Bell is wholly owned by BCE Inc. (TSX, NYSE: BCE). For information on Bell's products and services,
please visit For corporate information on BCE, please visit

For further information:
Paul Lacoursière,
Communications and Public Affairs, Bell Aliant,
(819) 233-6711, 1-888-737-6673, extension 6711,

SOURCE Mobility / Wireless