Bell Let's Talk supports improved mental health care access in Lanaudière region
$300,000 donation to Fondation pour la Santé du Nord and Fondation Santé Sud de Lanaudière matched by the Québec government
TERREBONNE, QC, Jan. 24, 2017 /CNW Telbec/ - Bell Let's Talk today announced a donation of $300,000 to 2 mental health foundations in Québec's Lanaudière region, the Fondation pour la Santé du Nord and the Fondation Santé Sud de Lanaudière, that will support improved access to care for clients dealing with mental health challenges.
Québec's Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de Lanaudière will match Bell's donation by investing $300,000 in the projects, which offer new support for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and launch a specialized program in concurrent disorders, such as when mental health problems are accompanied by addiction.
"These powerful new initiatives by Fondation pour la Santé du Nord and the Fondation Santé Sud de Lanaudière will offer specialized approaches to mental illnesses while helping to reduce waiting times for care in Lanaudière," said Martine Turcotte, Bell's Vice Chair, Québec.
"This project demonstrates Bell Let's Talk's clear desire to work with our network's different entities, both the establishments themselves and the foundations that support them," said Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health and Social Services. "It also confirms Bell Let's Talk as a leading partner in our effort to improve the health care experience of people dealing with mental illness."
"The CISSS de Lanaudière and the people it serves are privileged to be able to count on the support of Bell Let's Talk for these projects aimed at improving mental health services for the local population," said Daniel Castonguay, CEO of the CISSS de Lanaudière. "I am very pleased to take the opportunity today to confirm that the CISSS will also investing $300,000 in support of regional mental health services."
"We are grateful for the involvement of Bell Let's Talk and CISSS de Lanaudière in these important projects, which will definitely make a difference in our community by improving access to critical mental health services," said Ronald Nicol, President of the Fondation Santé Sud de Lanaudière.
"Joining forces for a regional initiative marks a first for our foundations, and we are very encouraged by the results to date, We thank Bell Let's Talk and CISSS de Lanaudière for their support of our work," said Alain Caron, President of the Fondation pour la Santé du Nord de Lanaudière. "
Bell Let's Talk and CISSS de Lanaudière funding will support these initiatives:
- Support for clients with borderline personality disorder (BPD), based on adapted group workshops that help participants better attain the objectives set out by their treatments. The CISSS de Lanaudière will develop treatment sessions consisting of 20 meetings that build on services currently available.
- A specialized program in concurrent disorders, reflecting findings that 50% of clients in addiction rehabilitation centers suffer from a mental illness. A team of professionals specializing concurrent disorders will allow for interdisciplinary interventions that improve treatment effectiveness. The CISSS de Lanaudière will benefit from the expertise of Dr. Didier Jutras-Aswad, Director of the CHUM Addiction Psychiatry Unit and Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Université de Montréal.
Bell Let's Talk Day is tomorrow!
On Bell Let's Talk Day January 25, Bell will donate 5 cents to Canadian mental health programs for each of these interactions:
- Every text message, mobile call and long-distance call made by Bell customers
- Twitter: Every tweet using #BellLetsTalk
- Facebook: Every view of the Bell Let's Talk Day video at
- Instagram: Every post using #BellLetsTalk
- Snapchat: Every use of the Bell Let's Talk geofilter
Bell's donations are made at no extra charge to Bell Let's Talk Day participants, though normal long distance or text charges, if any, apply. Bell Let's Talk Day 2016 set new records for engagement with 125.9 million messages of support, and Bell increased its funding for Canadian mental health by $6,295,764.75.
About Bell Let's Talk
The Bell Let's Talk initiative promotes Canadian mental health with national awareness and anti-stigma campaigns, like Bell Let's Talk Day, and significant Bell funding of community care and access, research, and workplace initiatives. To learn more about the Bell Let's Talk campaign, and to download the Bell Let's Talk toolkit to help get the conversation started, please visit
Media contacts:
Caroline Audet
(514) 391-5263
Pascale Lamy
Assistant to the CEO – Media Relations
Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Lanaudière
(450) 759-5333, ext. 2685
SOURCE Bell Canada