BCE 2015 Annual General Shareholder Meeting

April 30, 2015 - ET to ET
Design Exchange, 234 Bay Street, Trading Floor, Toronto, Ontario 


Thomas C. O'Neill Chair of the Board
George Cope President & Chief Executive Officer
Siim A. Vanaselja Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer

Information for our Shareholders

Shareholder feedback
As a BCE Shareholder, you can submit your feedback on any matter related to our 2015 Annual Shareholder Meeting, including the advisory vote on executive compensation, using the online form below.

We welcome your input. 

Online Form

Letter to Shareholders (PDF 209 KB - March 5, 2015)

Compensation Discussion & Analysis (PDF 296 KB - March 5, 2015)

Voting online:
To exercise your vote on line, please go to www.cstvotemyproxy.com  and follow the instructions on screen.  You will need the
12-digit control number located on your proxy form.

If you are voting online, our transfer agent, CST Trust Company (CST), or other agents we appoint must receive your vote by 4:45 p.m. (Eastern time) on Wednesday April 29, 2015.

Sign up for electronic delivery
BCE shareholders can choose to be notified by e-mail every time key shareholder documents become available.

To do so, registered shareholders (holders of share certificates) can enroll for electronic delivery through this link: www.canstockta.com/elecDeliveryHome.

Non-registered shareholders who hold their accounts with a financial intermediary (i.e. a bank, trust company, broker, nominee, etc.) can request electronic delivery through this link: www.investordelivery.com.